Did some pull ups after a run on the treadmill in the garage on Saturday
Managed 5 without what I thought was too much effort (or so I thought)
Came out of the garage and my wife said she thought I was having a heart attack with all the grunting and groaning going on - I suspect she was more worried about what the neighbours might think
What is a respectable number of pull ups that I should be aiming for? Overhand or underhand or makes no difference
IIRC the number to get in the marines a long long time ago was 10 overhand
I can certainly do more under than over.
A dead hang ( arms straight ) at the bottom for a second or so makes the numbers go down rapidly.
Weighted assistance machines or big bands are a great way to start off, same reps( usually 5-8) reducing the assistance to failure is a good session.
Ah, wasn’t suggesting Waitrose coffee (although I’ll take it if its free) - just wondered if perhaps poet & doug were using your swim form as a verb. Which seemed either highly complimentary or a little rude
See it darn sarf as well. I wondered if its because tarmac is far kinder on the limbs than concrete? Also even badly maintained roads are better condition than most pavements.
Yep, that’s it for me; for the most part I stick to the pavement, but there’s one bit coming down towards my flat at the end of a run where I’ll run in the road if it’s clear.
I guess that is the major factor - when exactly is there a perfectly good footpath? Pavements around here are shite, pavement furniture and roots, random lighting…the road often seems the default rather than the exception.
Well, cars shouldn’t be on the road should they? Particularly if they are unable to control their death-dealing functions around other more vulnerable road users