Training - What Training?!

Very steady 1hr on Zwift. Not really feeling it today.


10.75 mile run in the sun

1:19:00 / 7:20 mile pace / 126HR

Also got this through this morning.

3 weeks before the marathon.
Will be a good to test out the costume/shoes

Current record is 1:54
Did a 1:28 on the same course back in 2019 off very little training


3 black puddings and a 7 mile run

27 degrees. Jeezo :hot_face: no head spinning today

OW swim later


Hours weights at daft o’clock in the morning.

Cardio in there tonight is goi g to be delightful!


Not so much a training session, just went out on my bike, ended up at 80k. Piss poor indexing after new cable installation made it seem like I’d taken a dozen rattlesnakes with me although it changed nicely on the bike stand.


I’ve Had Colder Baths Than That :sun_behind_small_cloud::bath:t3::swimming_man:t2:

30 degree air temperature
28 degrees in the water

400m in the wetsuit, just to go through T1
2 x 750m budgie smugglers

Felt super quick and strong, but relaxed.
Apart from my skin melting off my back :hot_face:

Forgot my watch :fu:t3:

See Strava for nip pics


Biiiig day at work, managed to fit in a 5km treadmill run at 5am.



None today for the first time in what seems like months.

Taper starts now. Short treadmill intervals tomorrow.

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  1. Coffee
  2. Porridge
  3. Toasted sandwich
  4. BBQ
  5. Cerveza(s)
  6. Chocolate
  7. Bed time

Currently still on #5


Concept 2 have a new challenge on for the week

The Rowlympic Challenge Begins July 23!

The Concept2 Rowlympic Challenge coincides with the Olympic Games regatta. To take part, you need to complete eight different events. Earn a downloadable certificate and the option to purchase Rowlympic items upon completion.

The Challenge

This challenge runs from July 23–30.

  • Complete all eight events and log them in your online logbook.
  • All events MUST be done as fixed distance/time pieces (no intervals).
  • You must complete all the events on the same type of machine or on water.
  • You can do these events in any order.

Events for RowErg, SkiErg and on water

1000m*, 1 minute*, 10,000m*, 20 minutes, 2000m*, 10 minutes, 6000m* and 30 minutes"

did the 20min one this morning - thanks dog it’s cooling down now as I was effing soaked in sweat after that.


Another rest day of farting around for me:

Wax the chain
Clean the drive train
BIKE → RUN bag
Special needs (spare tub!)
Personal grooming
Put chain back on
Polish bike with silicone spray

…and so on and so on


Yasso 800s this morning. Went with a friend and paced it on feel. Each one was 3.18 - 3.20 but she started dropping off on lap 7/8 and then stopped. I managed to complete 10 and did a couple of faster ones. Shows that my speed is roughly where I want it to be.

According to Burt that means I should be able to run 3.18 marathon. Whilst the theory is nice, the endurance and execution to do it is something I need to work on.


I can’t remember the format of those. Is it essentially 2 minutes on followed by 2 minutes off then repeat?

Well done though, sounds grim

10x800 with equal rest, so vo2max type intervals. Supposedly the m:ss it takes you is roughly equal to the h:mm you can run a marathon in.

Made sure I did a proper warm up because I know it takes my legs 2k to get going in the morning.


8 miles, less sun, more wind

58:07 / 7:16 pace / 127HR


1hr on Zwift doing The McCarthy Special session. Quite a tough one, but enjoyable.


Yeah i’ve done that one before. It’s tough

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Tough? It’s close to impossible if you’ve set your FTP correctly.

Is this your roundabout way of telling me to HTFU and do a ftp test?


Get on with the test and let us know how you get on :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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