Training - What Training?!

Yeah, that’s the badger!
I’ve made an offer on eBay on an XLab 500 mount thing, so if that is a no go, I’ll drop you a DM.


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No worries!

Did a jog following my own advice @Chriswim :kissing_smiling_eyes:
9km at 5:16/km
Trail/road mix.
22° and humidAF.
Literally the same conditions as Outlaw 2021.
Hideous. Stopped twice to get my breath back.
Should really take my inhaler out when it’s like this.


Just catching up with Strava and see @Matthew_Spooner did 50 X 50m on 50s on or near 50th birthday yesterday :clap::clap:


15 x 1min @120% FTP



Run Walk goal pace intervals

Hard work

Third one was uphill hence the pace railing off


He should be out getting leathered !

Mind you that’s not helping sub anything to be honest.

Not as horrid as 6x3min at 120% FTP :smiley:

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Catch any worms? :worm::eagle:

Moi? Early 3km dog walk, 1.6km walk to the station with my wife, then crossed the road to the pool,
Swam, Walked 1.4km back home.

Standard distance swim of 1.8km
Standard average pace of 1:32/100m
Standard pacing of being ALL OVER THE SHOP :joy:

300m easy warm up
4 x 75m pull & paddles off 1:30
5 x 100m moderate off 2:00 (longer rest as I get back into swimming)
200m pull recovery
8 x 50m hard off 1:00
100m pull cool down

Could probably reduce the rest, as it was all pretty pedestrian and I really didn’t need that long between intervals.

Here is an image to upset @funkster


I didn’t catch any worms but there does seem to be some kind of slug invasion going on!



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For the first time in about 5 weeks, I had to admit defeat, listened to my body this morning and stayed in bed


Can’t do any movement that adds pressure to my calf.

50 mins S&C.

Donkey kicks, clams, bridges, military presses, press ups, bicep curls and sit ups.


What was the prognosis from the physio?

Sorry if you’ve mentioned elsewhere!

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Physio today - he’s pleased with improvements in strength but I need to begin work on getting bounce back - lots of hopping basically. He seems bemused by my general lack of core stability lol … i always thought it was not too bad


5x5 6.2 tonnes moved.

Came very close to failure. 50kg military press. Last rep was a fooking struggle. Deadlifts nearly killed me. On my HR you can see the peaks for each set on the other exercises. Then the warmup and main set for deads is just me dying

Treated myself to a honey mustard chicken, bacon, and avocado warm salad. All things being equal would have much rather had a Burger King.


Good session, I’m going to copy and wear a monitor for something similar, lighter weights but more reps for me ( I’m a touch lighter than you still!) see what total I can muster in 60 mins

Food looks like road kill

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11km at 4:15/km earlier than my normal 9am start, went at ~7:15am as I’m always up now anyway as I don’t get to sleep any more.

Then 3:08 (with just over 2 minutes stopped, or just over 41 minutes stopped depending on if you count the time in the legion eating a toastie and drinking coffee) 166 AP 216 NP (the 3:08 time) all very relaxed.

Got my fitness up enough to do such a run/ride too.


Yeah I only started wearing the chest strap recently as I noticed the wrist was its usual useless self for short bursts. Surprising how much time you get in a training zone.

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