Training - What Training?!


A wrist based hr watch was going to be my only purchase in the near future … want it for av hr for a hard 30-90 min static bike.

Would it be accurate for this type of effort ?

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They seem to be ok for steady state stuff. But intervals and weight lifting they take too long to respond and youve stopped before its got there.


Ran outside for first time in many months.
Knee discomfort far worse than experienced on treadmill of late. Feel like it was going back on the rehab 2 months.
Trying to alternative foot landing and cadence to find a more comfortable stride. Eased a little second half. But 5km was enough.

Not sure I’m rushing out again :sob:


2:05 on Zwift racking up that XP

223W NP


Number 1, thanks for checking in.

It was too inflamed for a proper analysis, but looking like a bad grade 1 / light grade 2.

Had some treatment, which has helped a little bit but still limping about.


As per my training plan from the weekend my Wednesday long run was, (drumroll)…

A miserably slow 8K!

Had a headache all day and HR seemed higher than it should have done for the pace, wonder if I’m fighting some kind of lurgy as I’ve felt a bit bleurgh the last few days.

But I managed to force myself out.


It was a struggle for me to get back out the door and to the pool this evening too.

Did a mile pyramid and I’m glad I went, session felt good but I’m shattered now, bed is calling!


What’s the history of this knee issue - If you’re having to adjust running gait to avoid discomfort then surely that can’t be a great sign…

@ADAM :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

What is all of this ‘mile’ nonsense?
Do you swim in a yard pool?
Or did actually do 1,609.344 metres?

But well done on the pyramid :clap:t3:

Wife brought back some beers to cheer me up, after the rain made me rage quit and not go to the TT, so I’m nursing a little hangover.
Luckily, Sainsbury’s are coming within the hour. So I should be perked up in time for a little jog :+1:t3:


I think the pool is the hardest to motivate for in the evening, especially if you have to drive there.

Driving, parking, changing etc, it rarely appealed to me after a day of work but my old pool was a private one, so it never felt that bad because I could walk there. When we moved, my 10 minute walk became a 10-12 min drive and it was pretty much the final straw for any type of regular swimming for me.

We have a massive new leisure ctr at the south end of town now and the pool looks great but I haven’t bothered because realistically with LO’s after school clubs and lessons at home, the time isn’t there to commit to membership.


Yes, talking complete bollocks.

Actually swam 2km so there is ‘one mile’ in there :wink:


Ha, that sounds quite a similar distance I travel to my pool. We actually have a pool in Molesey but the opening times are ridiculous.

I normally swim at around 8pm, usually in a lane to myself, more often than not on a Friday I’ll have to whole pool to myself


Our house has been ill all week. So I’ve had limited sleep. I got the 24 hour bug yesterday. Feeling better (not perfect) this morning. Garmins stress graph really highlights when I’m ill.

I was planning to do a TT tonight so going to have to see how I feel. Got another TT on Sunday :metal:


Random out of the blue pain when using commuter bike for first time list August.
Couldn’t run…tried again in October, 6 runs on treadmill and 5 outside… Then I was back at square one.
1 physio and 2 osteopaths can’t find the root cause.
Started back on the treadmill in a last bid to just try and run through it.
Each run it seemed to loosen up. Managed few one hour runs, plus some efforts just to try and get legs going faster.
I’m desperate to run outside. But the impact I assume is that much greater. Bit tender today.
Reverting back to treadmill for next couple and will reassess.

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Grass running?

Grass smoking might help? :smoking:



Its an option - tho pretty limited on actual “grass” routes. Tried to keep it offroad ish last night but the hard packed ground didnt feel much different to tarmac.

Certainly wont be fully migrating off the treadmill anytime soon.

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Loops round West Park?
That’s grass.
Pop past the skatepark for quick toot on a bifta on each lap and you’re sorted :wink::kissing_heart:


I’d rather deal with the treadmill. I detest running down there.

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It’s boring AF but aqua running might help?

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