Training - What Training?!

Crosby to Formby walk and back
Erm…yeah, it’s quite bloody far :joy:


18km on my own then met my old mate for what I thought was 10km but they went for 13km, ouch!


Gambled with my failing body and went for my “long” run outside.
10 mins in, stood in a field close to tears having rolled my ankle. Honestly can’t cope with anything else dropping off.
Knee seemed to be ok running uphill, less so running down.

Heading towards the back end of run and all my old injuries start to flare.
Achilles (left leg) and hip flexor (right leg) really finished me off. On a positive, the brain could no longer send any knee pain signals :person_shrugging:.

First run over an hour since last July.


Absolutely cack TT ride for me today :sob:
Accidentally walked 20km yesterday (me being an idiot “no no, it’s only up here, about four miles…) then ate enough delicious Chinese food at the in-laws to feed maybe three normal/sensible humans. Drove home, at more Chinese food whilst watching the Giro and manage to sink 6 x 330ml tinnies in a couple of hours :muscle:t3::beers::massage_man:t4:

To say I didn’t feel great at 7am was an understatement :nauseated_face:
Still, at least I’d topped up my calories the evening before.
All of my kit, gear and nutrition I’d sorted out at 10am Saturday morning, to make sure I went…

0830 Sunday - man. It’s coldAF :cold_face: Like 6°. In May. FFS.
Started my normal 100km loop, somehow started to do my 60km one, forked off (pun intended) and managed to pick up the 100km one, but lost about 1-2kmh average here as Knutsford is horrendous to cycle through.

After that (20km) it started to get breezy.
40km I wanted to turn round, but thought I’m nearly halfway, so I’ll see…

…that turned into the heavens opening at Beeston and the breeze turning into actual wind.

I’m now miserableAF. Wet and my clean bike is covered in cow shit. Oh, I’d not mentioned the amount of farm crap and tractors on the roads? FFS :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Somehow, I manage to cycle the next 50km without launching my bike into a field, or onto the West Coast Mainline at one of the numerous points I crossed it.

Get home cold and annoyed, but my wife has bought me my favourite sandwich from the CoOp, some pork pies and a Coke :heart_eyes:

Sacked the run off and ate and cleaned the steed :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Stats say it all really…never made it out of first gear :sob:


Rolling the ankle is horrible, sharp pain and you are thinking about it for ages trying to decide how bad it is! (and in my case rolling at least once more, and ALWAYS the left one)

At least you are getting further before they flare up so maybe build gradually?

And run\walk, that’s what I was doing when I was trying to recover.


It’s ridiculous isn’t it! And the next fortnight isn’t significantly better over here going on the forecast.


I’ve got an aquathlon in The Dee tomorrow night :joy:


Fork that :fork_and_knife::cold_face:
Do you have a Norseman-Esque 8mm wetsuit or something???

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I put a fat finger through the seam of my wetsuit on Friday as I was - not too carefully it would appear - putting it on for 2nd swim/run practice.

My 5yr old Black Witch had dried out so I used 4 or 5 coatings of puncture repair glue over the dental floss. Hopefully it holds together for my swim tomorrow night.


That was my plan. Tho went off-road and there was so many styles and obstacles that broke it up quite alot.
Yes the anticipation of rolling the ankle a second time didn’t go away.


Bit more black witch and some gaffer tape and that’ll sort it!

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5 mile :man_running::dash:

4 runs this week of variable distances. If there’s any progress it’s a very subtle one! But I guess slow and steady, little and often

Considering first dip of the year this evening OW … :thinking: :thought_balloon:


Very nice FP - well done! :muscle:

Thanks @Annas, it was longer than planned but shooting for 100km this week, so a good chunk of that done today.

Surfing tomorrow :crossed_fingers:


Hope it happens and the weather is good. I got up at 6am to go climbing outside, weather decided to have other ideas - pouring rain! Weather forecast said likelihood of rain was minimal. Ended up going to the climbing gym for 3hrs.


Thanks, we aren’t wedded to tomorrow, might go Tues but it’s only a day trip and want to avoid the madness that will ensure closer to Thursday.

It was surprisingly chilly and windy today, so any swell will be short lived when the wind dies down but might make for a nicer day at the beach for LO. (I bloody hate the beach! :smile: )

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Ha, that sounds like me. Avoiding the crowds. Have a great time at the beach - you’ll love it when LO gives you the biggest smile😊

Thanks. I love being in the water, I’m a doer not a watcher. When I’m king, there won’t be any sand, just ‘rock launches’ and surf until you’ve had enough.

Other people seem to like the beach though, bloody freaks :joy:

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Jesus @Poet this route you’ve given me is savage :sweat_smile:


Ha ha ha - you’ve picked a savage day to do it!
Tour de France was bloody awesome on that hill :heart_eyes:

The climb from Dovestones Reservoir (A635) is possibly the best climb I’ve ever done (as I did it in lockdown with little to no traffic)
Descending the other side into Holmfirth is utter bliss, even for me, as it’s not too mad of a descent.
Holme Moss is also a great climb. Just nice and steady.
The descent from there to Woodhead is too much for me to enjoy, though :joy::see_no_evil:

It’s only 60km, two hours for you :joy::clap:t3:
Hope you’re having fun?

Is my sticker still there???