TriTalk 1.0 - Legacy Website

The original crew - I think only Ed held out to the end.

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Sue is still getting out on her bike :+1:


I’ve now changed all the DNS records so and all point to . The old site is currently on subdomain, locked down but all still appears to work. I’ve also done a screen scrape of the old forum and converted the dynamic website into a static html site. I’m testing that locally and may turn the archive into a static s3 site. Currently it’s 24USD per month to host, that could reduce it to a quarter. This site currently ~12usd with backups but as the database grows so will the cost.

Downside of static archive, certain blogs are locked to non members meaning the scrape couldn’t read them. PaulL is the main one. I will contact him to see if he cares or if he wants to copy it somehow.

Apart from that everything seems OK so far all around. New site seems to be working, not had any spam yet and the discourse mobile app is pretty good (as is just using chrome)

I think Paul L said on the old forum that he wouldnt be joining us here so i doubt he wants his old blog.

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You spoke too soon. I just deleted a spammer. Some gambling Las Vegas related stuff, including Chinese or similar language. Zapped.

They did take the time to introduce themselves though, hence how they got around that hurdle.


Yep, mine sits on a long-gone laptop from 10+ years ago…


Hammerer - Apologies, I am a bit slow working out how this archive thing works.

Initially, I thought I had lost all the photos held on the old site as they had disappeared from other forums I use.
( Which is why I signed up here to work out what I was doing wrong. )

But after reading the above I did a quick test and by changing the code, I could make the photos reappear.

Old code
http :// w w w . tritalk .co .uk /forums/userpix/1224_DSC_1667_3.jpg

New code
http :// archive . tritalk .co .uk /forums/userpix/1224_DSC_1667_3.jpg

This is good news for me, as a lot of my old racing photos were taken by other people.

The only downside is that some of the photos on the archive site now appear as “x”.

As for my Blog, I am happy for it to be unlocked if it helps, but don’t want to add to the expense of running either site if it is a problem.
( I had taken a copy of some race reports, etc. before it was locked, but thought I’d messed this up when the photos didn’t work. )

Will the subdomain name/code stay the same if the site switches from html to s3?

Hope the above makes sense.

Cheers, Paul. :slight_smile:

It seems I can’t post photos or links (Newbie?) so I’ve just added some spaces to see if that is allowed.
( In the initial preview of this post there was blank under old and the photo appeared under new when I used normal i_m_g tags. )

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@Paul_L you can now post links!

The current archive will have a few issues with photos, but a change of address can access them as you found. It’s not ideal and why an alternative was looked at.

The static archive is different . The scrape has been run against old site so photos should be found (I’m still testing it) BUT as your blog was locked then it will not show on any static archive. Potentially I could point back to that TT1.0 server and re run a scrape once you unlock it if that’s what you want (it took about 60hrs last time but it’s just an old Ubuntu server at home doing nothing much so no big issue for me) .

The S3 site if I go that way will still sit on and the old dynamic site gone forever. The pages should access the same as presently (on, just static and no database behind it. The main reason I’m taking so long to test it is once i delete the digital ocean server holding TT1.0 at present then there will be no chance to go back due to the ancient technology being used and the fact the SQL / PHP / phpBB versions are no longer supported. This is a problem potentially anyway as it could get to the stage where Ubuntu stops working with these old versions and we lose everything anyway. In theory everything should always be backwardly compatible but you never know. This was one of the main reasons for trying to sort everything out. Static archive v current dynamic archive is ~25USD V ~3USD per month. In fact the static plus this site is considerable cheaper than the old site was on its own. If traffic goes up massively and when storage requirements go up we will creep up with cost.

Finally thanks for the donation as well!

@Paul_L I have read configured TT1.0 so photos should automatically work now although points above still stand long term

Hammerer - Don’t worry about re-running anything to save my blog and you should definitely go with whatever is the cheapest option.

I copied some stuff into a Word document and, now I know what to do, will use Find/Replace to update the photo codes.

At some point I should really start to turn some of my digital photos into ‘real’ photos to avoid future technology issues.

Thanks for all the effort you have made to save the old and set up the new.

Cheers, Paul. :slight_smile:

No worries about the donation, I was happy to help TriTalk, as it certainly helped me over the years.


Is there a way to access the old site? I’ve a friend who’s wanting to do IM Austria and I’d like to point him at the old annual IM Austria Threads and Race Reports. Ta!

Use google - then replace the www bit with archive

Like so…

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PERFECT. Thanks!

Also any search whilst on will point you to a dead link here but do as Poet says if it ever goes too www.

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Try to escape eh? :slight_smile: Well, I’m back. Is that troll Marks on here?!

He had a friend on here but they’re dead now.

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I can’t find how to support this site (affiliate links, donate button). Am I missing it or is it not an option?

Affiliate links should be pinned at the top of homepage

All donations gratefully received. just paypal to admintritalkcouk . loads of affiliate links pinned also. If you just add a link to a site in a post that should also trigger affiliate software if something is bought.

The grand sum of a tenner sent

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