Watcha Listening To?

Warrior. Struggling. To remain. Consequential.

That’s probably the best quality video I’ve heard so far. :+1:

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I’m more of your: ‘Weapon out and belly in’ :joy:

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The Tea Party, 2nd best thing to come out of Canada after Rush. (and LIONel of course :joy: )

With all the talk about ‘Spaceman’ at the Eurovision, I’ve had this chorus in my head for days. :roll_eyes:


But it was the Levi advert that made it famous “for some reason”.


And that explains why I remembered the chorus more than the rest of the song. :man_facepalming:

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This on R6 now. Not my type of music obviously but I always liked this song and the album, although I was a bigger fan of the ‘Love and Dancing’ instrumental version.


They also just just said that it’s 25years since OKC was released.

Best album ever released, ever, in the world, of all time, no argument /thread :smile:



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:smile: :fishing_pole_and_fish:

But yes, yes it is. :wink:

half asleep when I read it…durrr

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I tend to play the same three albums over and over, Dare, Spiders From Mars and Attack of the Grey Lantern.

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I tend to be like with 3 or 4 bands. Spotify has actually been good to break me out of that.

I can’t remember the last time I actually bought any music.


Reviews coming in for Top Gun saying it’s the best action movie in yrs and Tom’s best movie yet… apart from the Guardian. Pete Bradshaw does his usual dour review, less a review just writes out the entire movie plot.


Kendrick Lamar and Digga D’s new albums :clap:t3::+1:t3:
Tion Wayne’s new single featuring La Roux.

Usually if the Guardian hates it then its guaranteed to be a good film.


Not always correct.

See their review for The Heart: Part 5 music video:

Somebody reviews music videos?! WTAF?!

What’s the point?

no - they review new music. the fact it’s a video is a non point. the music reviewers at the Grauniad are different to the traditional movie reviewers

Ah ok.

Though i still don’t care about how charged and acute the flow is. :rofl:

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