Yoga / Pilates

Day 1 is not very taxing, but the good news is that Benji is still alive.


Are you doing ‘move’?


Yup, that’s the 2022 30 day offering.

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Cool. 6 or so minutes. I’ll have a go once I’ve gotten off my arse for a run

It’s not really worth doing. There’s no exercise involved, it’s just setting the you up for the next 29 days.


Yeah I’m ready to kick back into some good yoga habits again. Full 30 program for me.

Mrs GB is a subscriber so she’s seen the schedule for the month. Mostly around 20 min videos this time, which works well for us. :+1:t3:

Looking fwd to it as I feel pretty vile at the mo!

20 is about the perfect length, in the other couple I’ve done some stretched to 45 and its tough to fit in.

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Day one done. Boy have I got (more) weak! Wrists and forearms as strong as a 2 day old kitten! :joy: Looking forward to the next month to get things back up to standard again.



Know where you are coming from on that

Probably easier all round if I had done this before the 15 mile run this morning


As Mrs T said to me this morning, she is diving straight in to some tough work this year

Amazing how Adrienne can do the workout so gracefully and with obvious strength while still chatting away - a country mile away from where I am at the moment but feel so much better for doing it - really helping my Achilles and lower back


Today was a bit tougher, you can tell I’m out of practice when downward dog makes my arms ache :rofl:

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Is there an app or something you guys are using? I skimmed the posts, saw Yo Adriene mentioned or something.

Feel like I could with something gentle for a few weeks as I feel quite tight.

She’s on YouTube…

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Yer as Iain says, new 30 day plan called Move, started with day 1 yesterday. I’ve done a couple other 30 day plans of hers, all pretty much the same.

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Day 4/30 - I found this tricky today but Mrs T says it was one of the easiest so far

Not sure if I am starting to feel a bit stronger or whether it is my massively untrained core finally waking up and say “woah - wtf is going on?”


First time I did one of these 30day things it was about day 6 I started to notice a difference, more stability, more strength. Some days feel tough as body just decides, not today I’m adapting

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Day 6, oh my days :joy:


Oh don’t! Mrs GB reminded me her day 6s are always savage. And she said it was a core day! :open_mouth:

Mrs GB is downstairs doing it now, not long after dinner as it’s the only gap (well only gap cos we want to watch telly and drink wine). Then I’m up next once the little one is down.

My wife is at work I did it this afternoon & may have to do it again with her :disappointed_relieved: tomorrow.

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Missed a couple of days so will be playing catch up

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