Your Kona Picks - 2019

Neither had Luc van Lierde in 1996. It was his first marathon.

He broke the course record… 8:04

I’ve changed my mind this week. I think Ali is going top 5 at least.

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Who are the other two debutant winners, then?

Chrissie and the guy who won the first ever one! :rofl:

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Anyways…anyone else think Josh Ambergers steed looks a bit big for him?
Not sure on the tash, shades and mullet!!!

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Was that right? I was taking the proverbial (except for CW obviously)

Yeah, I think so.
Maybe Jorgan can correct me…

…Chrissie qualifies with a win at IM Korea.
Did LvL not actually do an IM prior to his win at all???

Chrissie was another level. More dominant than Ryf…and (dare I say it!) in a better era (mainly due to being pretty GBR female heavy!)

Yvonne Van Vlerken
Bella Baylis/Comerford
Rinny (who she beat by 20 minutes! Bloody Rinny)
Leanda Cave
Rachel Joyce

Man…I miss Macca :sob:

LvL hadn’t done an Ironman or run a marathon before Kona '96; he was a wildcard. Chrissie KQ’d in Korea obvs, but a Kona virgin.

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Lucy Charles-Barclay is on the BBC website today -

Not sure I’ve done my picks yet.

  1. Kienle
  2. Wurf
  3. Frodo

Lange will ease off once he realises the catch is out of reach, not interested in just a podium.


  1. McNamee top 5
  2. Skipper top 10
  3. Brownlee top 20


  1. Ryff
  2. Haug
  3. Charles-Barclay

Exact same ladies top three.

Men’s …

Gonna be windy!!
Matt Russell just switched his front wheel from an 88 to a 55.

The bikers are coming :sunglasses:


Wind and rain out there yesterday. The two NW lads I’ve heard from sound slightly more at home with it!

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I mentioned that Zwift orange Shiva disc was pretty special earlier…

Someone get the man a new chain and tyres!
Bloody hell, rusty chain and pitted tyres.

Tom and Dan from Tri Preston ?

There daily updates are good !

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Amazing, so glad it’s not another calm day.

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I’m seeing the potential for rain on all the forecasts, but they all have winds comfortably in single digits?

Weather can be very different in town (Kona) and the areas to the North on the bike exposed to the trade winds. Hoping it’s not as benign as last year at least…

Lead stolen from sons play stationy thingy and I believe it might work @r0bh nice one

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