Your Kona Picks - 2019

Blimey he started early; his son is 27. I’m in a slightly different place :sweat_smile:

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They haven’t done a bike check-in gallery on ST for a couple of years now :thinking:

Dunno what possessed me but I posted a mixed team Kona picks thread on Slowtwitch.

Noone wants to play though :frowning: or maybe all the Yanks are still asleep

Nip across and have a punt anyone ??

There’s no one fast enough to swim with at David Lloyd Norwich!

I read that…so there’s hope for me yet!

What time is kick off, 5pm?

MPro 17:25, FPro 17:30

Cheers mate. Gotta take Little One to a party first. I usually get out of those but,alas…:rage:

2 hour run and turbo session done…beers and snacks ready. What a line up in the men’s race…keeping changing my mind on top three but would love to see the Brits do well.

Most I’ve ever looked forward to a race in years.


I had a late (for me) night last night. Seriously doubting my ability to stay awake for it all this year!

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I picked up a cold this week. Don’t feel at all great so turbo plan scrubbed. Worked this morning and then struggled through slowest 5km run we ever. Now sitting on the sofa where I plan to spend the next 10 hours. On 2nd medicinal beer already & wearing a Hawaiian shirt because Kona. Just waiting for the show to start now. Sounds breezy, going to be a good one I reckon. Headline: Kona '19 Skipper and Brownlee remind Germany who won the 1966 world cup, Wurf helps out.

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Live now.

The body marking with the tattoos looks like a palaver; what’s wrong with a sharpie? :slightly_smiling_face:

With the living room out of action, the benefit of an old 32" TV means I can lug it, and put it in the guest room, and my Kona War Room is ready. Laptop on an Ethernet connection for stability, HDMI to telly. Phone/second laptop for other stuff.

Not long now!


I’ll be light touch until about 7.30 when the girls are down. Fully committed thereafter

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What’s he pumping his tyres up for?
So they didn’t pop overnight?

I can’t cast to my TV :sob:
Have five laptops to choose from :rofl::see_no_evil:
Phone and laptop for me

Both kids on Netflix, I’m going to have to distract them…:grimacing:

:grimacing: I’m the car park at IKEA Manchester watching the stream, wonder how much data I’ve got :joy:

Come on AB


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What websites are you on?

Frodeno obviously not too worried about a decent warm up :sweat_smile:

Sarah True still messing around with her bike…

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